
black laptop computer beside black wireless mouse

Linux vs Windows 11: Comparison Chart

Zain Dunlap

When you’re deciding on an operating system, you might consider Linux and Windows 11. These systems have different features that ...


Best Linux-Based Phones: Top Options Ranked

Vincent Conlon

With the ever-growing importance of digital privacy and control, a Linux phone offers an alternative to the mainstream operating systems. ...


NordVPN Linux Installation Guide

Aimee Salinas

NordVPN is a popular service that gives you more privacy and security online. You can easily install NordVPN on your ...

Ubuntu Loading Screen

How do I change the boot screen in Ubuntu: A Quick Guide for Customization

Vincent Conlon

Ubuntu users can change their boot screen to personalize their system. The boot screen is the first thing you see ...

Linux Penguin

How Linux Works: Core Architecture and Operations

Vincent Conlon

Linux is one of the most popular operating systems in the world and powers many computers and devices. It’s free ...