Getting Started with Cisco and Ansible

Zain Dunlap

Cisco Logo

Cisco devices are an integral part of many network infrastructures. Ansible is a powerful tool that can simplify their configuration and management. Here’s how to get started.

Ansible for Network Automation: Your Cisco Guide

What is Ansible?

Ansible is an agentless automation platform. It’s designed to make complex IT tasks easier. Ansible uses simple “playbooks” written in YAML to manage devices.

Why Use Ansible with Cisco Devices?

Here are some compelling reasons to do so:

  • Simple setup: No need to install software on network devices.
  • Efficient configuration: Push changes to many devices quickly.
  • Consistency: Ensure device configurations stay standardized.
  • Scalability: Manage small networks or massive datacenters.

Getting Started

Here’s what you need to get going:

  1. Install Ansible: Instructions depend on your OS. See Ansible’s website for details.
  2. Inventory: Create an inventory file listing your Cisco devices and their connection details.
  3. Cisco Modules: Ansible uses modules for device interaction. There are many Cisco-specific modules (ios_config, ios_command, etc.).

Example: Basic Network Task

Here’s a simple Ansible playbook to show the running configuration on a Cisco router:

- hosts: cisco_routers  # Targets a group in your inventory
  gather_facts: false   # Speeds up the playbook

    - name: Show running configuration
        commands: show running-config
      register: output  # Stores the output

    - name: Print the output 
      debug: var=output.stdout_lines 

Key Cisco Ansible Modules

ios_commandRun arbitrary Cisco IOS commands
ios_configManage Cisco device configurations
ios_factsGather facts (model, OS version etc.) from devices

Next Steps

This is just the start! Here’s what you can explore after the basics:

  • Automate complex tasks: Backups, firmware updates, security changes…
  • Templates: Create reusable configurations
  • Roles: Organize playbooks for better structure.

Ansible Fundamentals

Starting with Ansible, one steps into the world of automation that simplifies and streamlines tasks across numerous devices. It’s an open-source tool, tailored for managing complexity and achieving high productivity.

In the heart of Ansible’s operation lies the playbook, which is essentially a blueprint for automation. Playbooks are written in YAML, a human-readable data serialization language. They delineate the tasks to be automated in a clear and sequential manner. Here’s a basic structure of a playbook:

- name: Example of a simple playbook
  hosts: webservers
    - name: Ensure Apache is at the latest version
        name: httpd
        state: latest

Modules are tools in the Ansible toolbox, like building blocks for playbooks. They are executed via tasks, which are the individual steps in a playbook. These tasks call the modules – the units of code that perform the actual work.

Organizing managed nodes into groups is a breeze with Ansible’s inventory. This inventory is a JSON or INI formatted list detailing how devices are arranged, helping Ansible know what to manage.

Example of an inventory file snippet:


The ansible-playbook command triggers the action described in a playbook:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml

This command takes the planned procedures in the playbook and executes them on the desired hosts.

Ansible enhances efficiency, manages complex deployments, and automates repetitive tasks. It’s developed for incremental control and pacing. Its simplicity in managing configurations and the consistency it brings to deployment practices make it an educational and potent resource.

Setting Up the Environment

Setting up an environment for Ansible and Cisco involves a few key steps. These include installing necessary software, configuring settings, and understanding how to manage devices and run commands. Let’s dive into the specifics.

Installation and Configuration

To start, install Ansible on a Linux system, like Ubuntu or CentOS. Use the apt command on Ubuntu or the yum module on CentOS for installation. After installation, ensure Python and pip are set up correctly, as they are prerequisites for operating Ansible. Then, configure SSH keys for secure communication with the managed nodes.

Working with Inventories and Playbooks

The ansible-inventory file is central to managing hosts and groups. Create a clear structure within this file by defining hosts and organizing them into groups. For practical use, create an ansible playbook. The playbook includes tasks that Ansible carries out on nodes. Make sure each task uses ansible modules, like the service module to manage services or the ping module for connectivity checks.

Executing Ansible Commands

To execute tasks, run ansible or ansible-playbook commands. For ad hoc commands, ansible allows immediate execution of tasks on nodes. For planned and repeatable sequences, use ansible-playbook to start entire playbooks. This command triggers a sequence of tasks across your selected hosts or groups.

Remember, setting up your environment is a critical step towards a streamlined network infrastructure managed with Ansible.

Advanced Topics and Best Practices

When managing complex networks, it’s essential to use Ansible effectively. Mastering advanced topics and best practices can significantly streamline the process.

Leveraging Roles and Modules

Roles in Ansible allow users to organize tasks and include related variables, files, and handlers into clean, reusable packages. Utilizing Ansible modules, which are discrete units of code, can simplify tasks such as managing network devices or interfaces. They help ensure that a specific outcome is achieved on the target system.

Optimizing Playbook Execution

Decreasing playbook execution time can be pivotal. One can optimize speed by selectively gathering facts or breaking playbooks into smaller, more manageable ones. It’s critical to structure playbooks efficiently, with clear tasks that pave the way for swift and successful deployment.

Scaling Ansible for the Enterprise

Ansible is designed to scale and meet enterprise needs. It supports orchestration across multiple systems and can manage complex cloud environments. For larger systems, tools like Ansible Tower can facilitate orchestration, helping to automate at scale.

Integration and Automation Workflows

Ansible can integrate with a variety of platforms, from cloud services to different automation frameworks like Terraform. Combining Ansible with Python scripting can provide a powerful means to create more flexible automation workflows.

Maintaining Systems and Infrastructure

Regular maintenance of systems and infrastructure using Ansible playbooks ensures the network’s health and service quality. Using Ansible to define the desired state of remote systems allows for consistent and manageable updates and changes.

Version Control and Collaboration

Git is a staple for collaboration and version control in Ansible projects. Storing Ansible playbooks in a Git repository supports teamwork, tracking changes, and rolling back if needed. It’s a secure way for teams to manage the configuration and deployment scripts.

Security and Best Practices

Maintain strong security by handling credentials carefully, for example using ‘ansible-vault’, ‘ansible_ssh_private_key_file’, or other secure methods for SSH connections. Best practices also include limiting permissions and employing secure protocols like SFTP or SCP for file transfers.

Troubleshooting and Optimization

For troubleshooting, it’s vital to understand how to use Ansible’s built-in tools and logs to diagnose and address issues, such as SSH connection errors. Moreover, continuously refining playbooks contributes to optimization, leading to more reliable and speedier executions.

By paying attention to these refined strategies, one can effectively harness the power of Ansible for network automation, configuration management, and beyond.

Frequently Asked Questions

Entering the world of network automation with Ansible and Cisco equipment is exciting. Here, you’ll find answers to some common queries to help kickstart your journey into automating Cisco devices.

What are the prerequisites for managing Cisco devices with Ansible?

To manage Cisco devices with Ansible, you need Ansible 2.10 or a newer version installed on your control node. Establishing a manual connection to your Cisco devices is also necessary before automating with Ansible.

How can one create a Cisco device configuration using Ansible playbooks?

You can create Cisco device configurations by writing playbooks, which are files that define the automation tasks to be performed. In a playbook, you specify the detailed steps required for the configuration of Cisco devices.

What modules are available in Ansible for automating Cisco network devices?

Ansible provides a suite of modules specially designed for Cisco devices. These modules allow a wide range of automation tasks, from configuring network interfaces to applying access control lists.

Can you provide examples of how to use Ansible for automating tasks on Cisco switches?

To automate tasks on Cisco switches, use Ansible modules like ios_config for general configuration or ios_vlan for VLAN management. An example task could be to ensure a specific VLAN exists on your switch.

How does Ansible integrate with Cisco IOS for network automation?

Ansible automates Cisco IOS by using modules that translate playbook tasks into commands that are compatible with Cisco devices. This allows for structured and error-free automation of network configurations.

Where can beginners find resources or tutorials for learning Ansible with Cisco?

Beginners can explore the official Ansible Documentation for Cisco modules, which includes getting started guides, examples, and a list of all available Cisco modules for different network technologies.