AWS API Pagination with Boto3: A Step-by-Step Guide

Vincent Conlon


When working with AWS services, you’ll often encounter APIs that return results in multiple pages. Boto3, the AWS SDK for Python, simplifies this process with its built-in pagination feature. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use it effectively.

Mastering AWS API Pagination: A Boto3 Tutorial

Understanding Pagination

AWS APIs often have limits on the number of items they return in a single response to prevent overloading the system. This is where pagination comes in handy. It lets you fetch results in smaller chunks, called “pages,” and then automatically retrieve subsequent pages until you get all the data you need.

Boto3 Paginators: Your Automated Guide

Boto3 provides “paginators” that handle the repetitive process of retrieving multiple pages of results. They make your code cleaner and easier to read.

How to Use Boto3 Paginators

  1. Create a Client:
   import boto3

   client = boto3.client('s3')  # Example: S3 client
  1. Create a Paginator:
   paginator = client.get_paginator('list_objects_v2')  # Example: S3 list_objects_v2
  1. Iterate Over Pages:
   response_iterator = paginator.paginate(Bucket='my-bucket')
   for page in response_iterator:
       for obj in page['Contents']:

Important Considerations:

  • MaxItems and PageSize: You can control the maximum number of items to retrieve and the size of each page using the PaginationConfig object.
  • StartingToken: If you need to resume pagination from a specific point, you can use the StartingToken parameter.

Example: S3 Bucket Listing with Pagination

import boto3

s3 = boto3.client('s3')
paginator = s3.get_paginator('list_objects_v2')

page_iterator = paginator.paginate(Bucket='my-bucket')
for page in page_iterator:
    for obj in page['Contents']:

This code demonstrates how to create an S3 client, paginator, and iterate over all objects in the specified bucket.

By mastering Boto3 pagination, you can efficiently handle large datasets from AWS services and seamlessly integrate them into your Python applications.

Understanding AWS API Pagination

When dealing with AWS services through Boto3, managing large sets of data efficiently is crucial. This section unveils how AWS API handles extensive data retrieval through pagination and the role of Boto3 paginator objects.

What is Pagination?

Pagination is a process used by AWS APIs to split the output of service actions into smaller, more manageable chunks, known as pages. Instead of returning a massive collection of items at once, which can slow down the application and consume more resources, the service sends them in portions. Notably, each API call retrieves only a specific number of items, controlled by parameters like PageSize and MaxItems.

The response from AWS includes a field, usually IsTruncated, which indicates whether there are more items to fetch. If it’s true, you can make additional API calls to retrieve the next set of results. To efficiently manage this, you may also use a StartingToken—a pointer to where the next set of results should begin.

Boto3 Paginator Objects

In Boto3, a paginator object abstracts the pagination logic, making it simpler to navigate through multiple pages of API responses. Through the method get_paginator(), you can create a paginator for a specific client and operation. For example:

import boto3

client = boto3.client('s3')
paginator = client.get_paginator('list_objects')

Once you have a paginator, you can iterate over its pages using an iterator. This iterator goes through all the pages for you, one by one, handling the retrieval of subsequent pages seamlessly. The PageIterator fetches pages as you loop through it, providing a user-friendly way to access each portion of the data in a JSON format, without you needing to manually manage NextToken or check IsTruncated:

for page in paginator.paginate(Bucket='example-bucket'):
    # Process each page (in JSON format)

You can also customize the pagination behavior using the PaginationConfig parameter, adjusting settings such as MaxItems, PageSize, and StartingToken. This gives you control over your paginated queries, ensuring you retrieve just what you need without unnecessary data overload.

With a solid understanding of AWS API pagination and the power of Boto3 paginator objects, managing extensive datasets becomes a more streamlined and efficient process.

Implementing Pagination with Boto3

In order to manage large sets of data returned by AWS APIs, Boto3’s pagination feature is essential. It helps in breaking down the data into manageable parts.

Setting Up Your AWS Environment

Before diving into pagination, ensure your AWS environment is set up correctly. First, you must have valid AWS credentials configured, typically by setting the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables or by using an AWS configuration file. Install the latest version of Boto3 and Botocore using pip. Use the import boto3 statement to access the AWS SDK in your Python code.

Working with Amazon S3 and DynamoDB

Amazon S3 and DynamoDB are two AWS services that often return large amounts of data. For S3, you might use pagination to list objects in a bucket, filtering with a prefix or trying to fetch a certain number of items with MaxItems. DynamoDB’s list operations can return tables or records, which can also be paginated to handle large result sets efficiently.

Code Examples and Pagination Controls

When dealing with S3, use Boto3’s client.get_paginator('list_objects_v2') to create a paginator. You can control pagination by using PaginationConfig with parameters like MaxItems, PageSize, and StartingToken:

import boto3

# Initialize S3 client
s3_client = boto3.client('s3')

# Create a paginator
paginator = s3_client.get_paginator('list_objects_v2')

# Define the pagination configuration
pagination_config = {
    'MaxItems': 1000,
    'PageSize': 100,
    'StartingToken': None

# Use paginator to paginate through a bucket
for page in paginator.paginate(Bucket='my-bucket', Prefix='photos/', PaginationConfig=pagination_config):

For DynamoDB, instantiate a paginator for API calls such as list_tables by passing the operation name to get_paginator(). Control the flow with pagination_config and use JMESPath queries with FilterExpression to sift through the JSON responses:

import boto3

# Initialize DynamoDB client
dynamodb_client = boto3.client('dynamodb')

# Create a paginator
paginator = dynamodb_client.get_paginator('list_tables')

# Iterate through the pages of tables
for page in paginator.paginate(PaginationConfig={'MaxItems': 10}):

Use NextToken from a current response as the StartingToken for subsequent API calls. This allows continuous navigation through data sets. The above Python code examples are straightforward, showing how simple it is to handle large amounts of data using Boto3’s pagination features.

Frequently Asked Questions

Boto3’s paginator interface simplifies the task of handling large datasets across multiple AWS services. It ensures developers can effectively manage API responses without overwhelming the system.

How do you use the paginator interface in Boto3 for listing S3 objects?

To list S3 objects using the paginator in Boto3, you create a client, call the get_paginator() method with ‘list_objects_v2’, and use a for loop to iterate through the pages.

What is the correct way to handle pagination when using Boto3 services?

The appropriate route is to instantiate a paginator object for the desired service and use a loop to process each page of results. This method helps to seamlessly navigate the sequence of pages.

How can you retrieve the total number of pages in a paginator with Boto3?

While Boto3 doesn’t directly give the total number of pages, you can iterate through the pages and count them or calculate the total based on the page size and the total number of items if available.

Is it possible to apply filters when using pagination with Boto3, and if so, how?

Yes, filters can be applied. You pass in parameters that act as filters when calling the paginate() method and these will apply to the results returned on each page.

What are some common examples of how to paginate through AWS API results with Boto3?

Common operations include listing S3 objects, retrieving DynamoDB items, and describing EC2 instances. Each of these can use the get_paginator() method followed by iteration over the resulting pages.

Can you customize the page size when implementing pagination in Boto3?

Definitely. The paginate() method typically accepts a PageSize parameter that you can set to a desired number to control how many items are returned per page.